2011-09-24  浏览:210

To gain a certificate of competency for a cabin controlled bridge or gantry crane you must pass an

assessment for a Bridge and gantry crane certificate conducted by an assessor registered by the Workcover


Before taking the assessment you must obtain a log book and learn the competencies required to pass the

assessment. Applicants must be at least 18 years old to gain a certificate.

It is illegal to operate a cabin controlled bridge or gantry crane without a Bridge and gantry crane

certificate or a log book (under the supervision of a certificated driver).

A cabin controlled bridge or gantry crane driver must know:

l         how to safely operate a bridge or gantry crane

l         how to detect any mechanical faults

l         about slinging loads,sheaves and drums,rope terminations,anchors and attachments

It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that a bridge or gantry crane of the correct class is

available for the assessment at their workplace or has permission to use a crane at another location.

If you operate this type of crane and sling loads in connection with the operation of this type of crane you

will require a Dogging certificate in addition to being competent in its operation. See A guide for dogging

available from the WorkCover Authority.


对于非法的,不是正式的桥梁和龙门式起重机有效文件和 证书受上级管理机构的监督。

l         如何安全地操作一桥或门式起重机

l         如何发现任何机械故障

l          关于吊索载荷,滑轮和鼓,绳子终端,锚和附件等相关知识
