2023-02-02  来源:中国起重机械网  人气: 2544
   近来,FASTCOMPANY发表The biggest tech trends of 2023,according to over 40 experts(49位专家猜测:2023最火的科技趋势),其间蒲公英动力公司(Dandelion Energy)首席执行官迈克尔·萨克森(Michael Sachse)认为:“在2023年,我们将花大量的时刻来讨论热泵。热泵是仅有不用化石燃料为家庭供暖的方法。欧洲正在被迫转型,美国的许多州也在朝着这个方向前进。明年这个范畴将会呈现许多新产品和新商业模式。顾客们将比以往任何时候都更多地议论它们。”
  Michael Sachse,CEO,Dandelion Energy
  We will spend a lot of time talking about heat pumps in 2023.Heat pumps are the only way to heat homes without fossil fuels.Europe is being forced to transition,and many U.S.states are moving in this direction as well.There will be a lot of new products and new business models in the space next year.And customers will be talking about them more than ever before.