2015-07-21  来源:中国起重机械网  人气: 3671






詹乐乾 摘译自NaturalGasAsia,2015-7-20


Egypt Floats Tender for Import of 45 LNG Cargoes in 2015-16

Egypt's EGAS has issued tender to buy 45 cargoes of LNGfor delivery in 2015-16, news agency Reuters reported Friday citing sources.

The deliveries would take place between October 2015 and December 2016 for the proposed second floating LNG terminal.

In May, Cairo issued a five-year tender to lease a secondLNG import terminal.

Earlier this year, Hoegh Gallant floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) from Norway's Hoegh LNG commenced commercial operations. The FSRU arrived in Egypt on the Gulf of Suez in early April. In November last year, Hoegh LNGfinalised a five year deal with EGAS to supply FSRU by the end of first quarter of 2015.

Hoegh LNG had signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with EGAS in May last year for the use of one of its FSRU as an LNGimport terminal in the port of Ain Sokhna, located on the Red Sea's Gulf of Suez. The FSRU was scheduled to start operations in the third quarter of 2014 but was delayed.
